• 14 мая 2019, вторник
  • Санкт-Петербург, Цветочная, 19

Встреча SpbDotNet №45

Регистрация на событие закрыта

Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.

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1948 дней назад
14 мая 2019 c 19:00 до 22:00
Цветочная, 19

Вечная битва между безопасностью и скоростью заиграет новыми красками когда на большую сцену компании Selectel выйдут звёзды мирового масштаба. Два MVP своего дела зажгут весенним напалмом и подготовят вас к самой .NET-активной неделе в этом году.

Программа встречи

19:00 – 20:00 Raffaele Rialdi (Vevy Europe) «Deep dive into the ASP.NET Core authorization framework»
20:00 – 20:30 Перерыв
20:30 – 21.30 Konrad Kokosa (Gritstep) «Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!»


Внимание: вход будет производиться строго по паспортам!


Raffaele Rialdi
«Deep dive into the ASP.NET Core authorization framework»

Every request journey in a secured web application starts with the authentication process providing the essential information for authorizing the requests. The authorization process has been totally rewritten in ASP.NET Core to support the modern concepts of claim-based authorization based on the concept of policies.

During the session, after analyzing all the pieces that builds up the new authorization framework, we will see how to structure the resource-based authorization and analyze the different opportunities to filter database queries based on the effective permissions of the user.

Об авторе

Raffaele Rialdi is a senior Software Architect working as a consultant, speaker and trainer. Since 2003, he is a Microsoft MVP in the Developer Security category. His passion for the community brought him to be a member of the board of UGIdotNET, president of DotNetLiguria and co-founder of the Italian C++ user group. He is currently working as an architect and developer on the backend of an enterprise project with a specific focus on code generation and working on cross-platform mobile and IoT development in both C# and C++ languages.




Konrad Kokosa
«Ref struct, ref readonly struct, ref returning, ref everything!»

Managed pointers, in the form of ref variables, existed in .NET since the very beginning. But only recently they gained much bigger interest — there are such constructs like in parameters, local ref variables and readonly refs. Moreover, recently so-called ref structs were introduced and in the context of Span type one could hear of byref-like instance fields. We can hear about those "ref-something" things a lot, but should one really care?

I believe so, as all those changes perfectly fit into the ongoing process of speeding up .NET and its performance possibilities. There is a lot of ways to optimize your code with the conscious use of those constructs, although some caveats exist that we should be aware of. Let me introduce you to such "ref-world"!

Об авторе

Author of the Pro .NET Memory Management book. Programming for over a dozen years, solving performance problems and architectural puzzles in the .NET world, speeding up web applications. Independent consultant, blogger, speaker and fan of Twitter. He also shares his passion as a trainer at Bottega IT Solutions in the area of .NET, especialy about application performance and diagnostics. Founder of the Warsaw Web Performance group. Microsoft MVP in the Visual Studio and Development Tools category. Co-founder of https://dotnetos.org initiative.





Конрад, Рафаэль и многие другие замечательные специалисты также будут выступать на конференции DotNext (15-16 мая). Для всех участников сообщества действует скидка по промокоду: DotNext19SPBDotNetRu



Является действующим дата-центром, поэтому вход на встречу сообщества будет производиться строго по паспортам!


Участие бесплатное, количество мест ограничено!


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